Visa Summary
This VISA is only available to applicants who are nominated by an AusTrade. This is a 4-year temporary visa, for people who want to invest at least AUD 15 million into complying investments in Australia. After maintained an investment in Australian for 1 year, the applicant can apply for permanent residence through the Business Innovation & Investment Subclass 888 visa.
The applicants can either be in Australia or overseas to lodge this visa
With this visa you can
- carry out business and investment activity in Australia
- stay in Australia for up to 4 years and 3 months
- apply for a permanent Business Innovation and Investment (Permanent) visa (subclass 888) Premium Investor stream
In order to satisfy the basic eligibility criteria, You must
- receive an invitation from Austrade to apply
- make investments of AUD15 million in Australia and hold them for at least 12 months
- genuinely commit to continuing your business and investment activity in Australia after the conclusion of your provisional visa
Your Obligations:
You and your family must comply with all visa conditions and Australian laws.
If you apply for a Business Innovation and Investment (Permanent visa (subclass 888) Premium Investor stream, you must have a genuine and realistic commitment to continue your business and investment activity in Australia after the conclusion of your provisional visa.
You must also hold your investment of AUD15 million for a minimum of 12 months and follow Australian workplace laws.
Make Complying Investment
After you lodge your application, you must make a complying investment of at least AUD15 million in any of the following options
- Australian securities exchange listed assets
- Australian government or semi-government bonds or notes
- corporate bonds or notes issued by an Australian exchange listed entity (or wholly owned subsidiary of the Australian listed entity), investment grade rated Australian corporate bonds or notes rated by an AFS licenced debt rating agency
- Australian proprietary limited companies that operate qualifying businesses (providing goods or services to the public with a profit-making intention, and not passive or speculative in nature)
- real property in Australia excluding residential property
- deferred annuities issued by Australian registered life companies
- state or territory government approved philanthropic contribution
Income that you earn from your complying investment in Australia is subject to tax under Australian taxation law.
You must also have a genuine and realistic commitment to continue your business and investment activity in Australia after your visa ends.
Net Assets of 15 Million
You must have net assets of at least AUD15 million. These assets could belong to you, your partner, or you and your partner combined. They must be legally acquired, unencumbered, and available to make the complying investment in Australia.
Action Against Commonwealth
You must agree not to bring any action against the Commonwealth for any loss relating to your complying investment. This also applies to your partner and any family member 18 years of age or older.